Sunday, November 11, 2012

5 Wonderful Years

Five years ago today, I married my best friend!

Jared and I have had so many amazing adventures since then. I'm thankful for even the difficult moments because they brought us closer together. We are learning every day to love each other greater and to honor God with that love. And we look forward to the many blessings, experiences, and years ahead of us!

As a photographer, I have made it a tradition to take our own anniversary photos each year. (Which let me just say, that it is much more challenging to take my own photos rather than someone else's...but I give it my best) So here are a few of the images I took last weekend at Stone Mountain Park here in Georgia. It was an absolutely gorgeous autumn afternoon and I got to enjoy it all with my favourite person in the whole world! :)

I still can't believe he's mine.

Just a glimpse of the beauty we saw that day...

Happy Fall Y'all! :)

Monday, November 5, 2012

See For Yourself....

If you have not heard Jon Weece, Lead Follower of Southland Christian Church bring the message then I encourage you to take a few moments to do so. You can watch and listen to past and recent series online at

Jared and I have had the opportunity to hear him speak at Southland before but because we have lived in different parts of the world throughout our marriage we have been thankful for the opportunity to continue to hear his messages online. Technology - when used right - is a powerful tool.

I always learn something from Jon's teachings. I am always inspired to improve my walk with God after hearing him speak. And I'm always left encouraged. (I also enjoy his approach and humor)His humble, proficient and practical delivery of the truth is refreshing and authentic. To reference one of his messages on spiritual gifts...he is definitely living in his "sweet spot".

We recently watched his online message series From Death To Life and I couldn't wait to share it with you. It is the best delivery of truth I've ever heard. If you are questioning who God is, if you are struggling to believe in the power of the resurrection of Jesus or even if you have already determined that there can't possibly be a God, then I urge you to watch the following video. In it, Jon asks some thought-provoking questions that perhaps you haven't thought about, but that are imperative in our search for truth. Not once will he ever tell you what to think or how to think, which is what I love about him. The best teachers tell you where to look, not what to see. So I encourage you to see for yourself....


To quote Jon himself, "There is nothing in the life of Jesus that He wants to force on you. I'm just amazed that so many people are against Him without ever studying Him. I promise you, if you read Him, you will fall in love with Him. Here is why...because He loved everybody and everyone who came in contact with Him, fell in love with Him."

I can say with sincerity that the best thing I've ever done is fall in love with Jesus.