I discovered this quote today and it made me stop and think of all of the beautiful people in my life that I am blessed to call family and friends. Each individual has shaped who I am, and I love that I can take the best part of each of you and keep you in my heart forever no matter where in the world I am. And because I love you all so much I wish all of these things for you. And I also wish that all of you will keep in touch when we make the big move overseas to Switzerland. I'm pretty terrible about keeping in touch, it's something that I'm working on. It's not that I don't think of you or don't want to keep in touch...I think a lot of it has to do with the fact that I've never been much of a fan of talking on the phone. And since most of the people I know and love live far away, that kind of puts extra distance between us.
I love to write though. I love email, snail mail, and other social networks like facebook, I'm just not a phone person. I don't even like to text really. That's not to say don't call me! I would LOVE to hear from you! But it certainly will be more costly once it is truly LOOONG distance. So if you want to be pen pals (which I already have a few takers and I'm excited about!!) then send me your address and once we get settled in to our new address I will write you! Email me and definitely check up on me through this blog or on my facebook. I so very much want to stay connected!
I sincerely love you all! Thank you for being awesome!
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