Tomorrow, Wednesday March 9th, will be the start of the 2011 spring 40 Days For Life campaign. There have been seven coordinated 40 Days For Life campaigns since 2007.
The efforts have mobilized people of faith and conscience in 337 cities across all 50 of the United States, seven Canadian provinces, four Australian states, as well as England, Northern Ireland and Denmark.
During these unified efforts, participants witnessed countless blessings from God:
- Over 400,000 have joined together in a historic display of unity to pray and fast for an end to abortion
- More than 13,000 church congregations have participated in the 40 Days for Life campaigns
- Reports document 3,600 lives that have been spared from abortion — and those are just the ones we know about
- 43 abortion workers have quit their jobs and walked away from the abortion industry
- Nine abortion facilities completely shut down following local 40 Days for Life campaigns
- Hundreds of women and men have been spared from the tragic effects of abortion, including a lifetime of regrets
- More than 1,250 news stories have been featured in newspapers, magazines, radio shows and TV programs from coast to coast ... and overseas
- Many people with past abortion experiences have stepped forward to begin post-abortion healing and recovery
After so many years of legalized abortion, many people of faith are experiencing a renewed sense of HOPE!
The reasons for these victories are simple. God loves the babies, the women and the abortion workers. And when we witness the love of God to them through peaceful prayer, the despair that abortion survives on is crushed by restored hope in God’s love.
If this is the first time you’ve participated in 40 Days for Life, you may be a little fearful and overwhelmed. That makes you normal. But as Jesus told the disciples, “Be not afraid!”
Last fall, Shawn Carney gave a talk about overcoming our fear of praying in front of an abortion facility at the national leaders conference of Students for Life of America. Listen to his real-life experiences from the field along with words of wisdom and encouragement in the following video:

The spring 40 Days For Life campaign starts tomorrow! Will you be there? Will you be the sign of God’s love that women will see just before they enter that building?
To find the closest 40 Days for Life campaign, and to find out how you can get involved, please to go:
Let us be reminded of the words of Augustine: "Pray as though everything depended on God. Work as though everything depended on you.”
So what are we waiting for? Let’s get to work!
*Excerpts from 40 Days For Life Website
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