Monday, August 23, 2010

Mental Vitamins: Twelve Extraordinary Women

I have recently been reading Twelve Extraordinary Women by John MacArthur. I'm not very far in to the book but have already taken away some great messages. There is a Study Guide included for each chapter which is great for reflection. The women of the Bible MacArthur deemed as extraordinary are:

The Samaritan Women
Martha and Mary
Mary Magdalene

What I love is that all of the women MacArthur highlights are ordinary and common but Christ's work in their lives allowed them to do extraordinary things. In other words, all of these women became extraordinary not because of any natural qualities of their own, but because of God's gracious work and influence they were empowered and enabled to do incredible things. The same applies to modern women today...we may see ourselves as ordinary or society may view us as common but we all have so much potential and if we allow Christ to lead us, we can live out our life purpose and do extraordinary things.

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