Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Birthday Love

It's official. I'm another year older. Or as my dad likes to say every year on his birthday; "another year closer to the pine box"! I hate when he says that. I always scold him because that is a day I don't want to think about! So I won't! :) I'll just keep on enjoying life and loving every minute of it until my minutes are up!

This was my first European birthday and I must say it has been a pretty wonderful birthday so far! Not long after I started my day I received a package from my parents full of all kinds of goodies and lots of sentimental items. Needless to say I started off the day with tears of happiness and thankfulness. I have been blessed with such amazing, thoughtful and loving parents!

They called me later in the day to wish me a happy birthday and my mom started reminiscing about when I was a baby and reading the notes she had written down in my baby book. Apparently I was butterball...I weighed almost 10lbs. I was also almost 2 weeks late! I've never liked to rush into anything and have always been laid back...apparently that started from before birth! HAHA She also shared that a nurse brought in a crying baby to her room at the hospital assuming it was hers and my mom said she knew that it wasn't my cry so she questioned the nurse and sure enough....the nurse was trying to give my mom a baby that wasn't hers. Mom said from that moment on I never left her sight! So apparently I almost got switched at birth! HAHA! But that story made me think just how different my life could have been had things gone differently...had anything in my life gone differently. And while there are moments in my life that I prefer to forget I don't regret a single moment because all of those moments have brought me to this point and I am so happy with the life I've been given, I'm especially thankful for all the amazing people in it.

I have been in and out of tears all day because of all the sweet friends and family who have taken the time to leave me such kind and thoughtful messages on my birthday! Your outpouring of love did not go unnoticed nor was it wasted - in fact your love has been passed on through me to others. I have been overwhelming blessed over the past year, largely because of all of you and because of the love I've received by so many of you I decided that I didn't need anything for my birthday this year. Instead I wanted to give back. There are so many who need love, support and compassion and the organizations I was impressed upon to share my blessings with and who I knew would use those resources for good were Love146 and 40DaysForLife. Both of these groups share the same passion I love and protect the most vulnerable among us. I encourage you to check out their websites and learn more about how they live to love. I am sharing this because I wanted you all to know that your love inspired me to love more.

My birthday is almost complete, I am waiting to see and talk to my birthday buddy via skype. These virtual visits have to be planned and orchestrated due to the major time difference. It's hard to believe that 5 years ago today I received the best birthday gift nephew, Isaac! He single-handedly made me a believer in love at first sight. The moment I saw him, my heart smiled. I'd never felt that much love for another human being that instantly. Since then my love for him continues to grow. I am more and more proud of the little boy he is growing up to be. He's so smart and so sweet and so stinkin' handsome! :) I'm so thankful and feel so honoured to be his Aunt and birthday buddy!

How did I spend my birthday you ask? My amazingly sweet husband treated me to one of my favourite things....SUSHI! We ate sushi, enjoyed the sunset and we are about to cuddle up for a movie. A perfect day if you ask me! :)

Thank you again to everyone who helped make my day feel special! You all have a special place in my heart!

And now for a brief travel back in are photos of me at age 8, age 18 and today at age 28.

My smile hasn't changed! :)

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